SEND Themes on TEAMS...
SEND Themes on Teams is a programme of bespoke training written and delivered on TEAMS by Judith Carter, EP, Author and Director of Willow Tree Learning. During 2022-23 there are 3 sessions for TAs and a further 3 sessions for Teachers. Take a look below for details of each session.
A TA Guide to…Mediating Learning
Thursday 12th January 2023 1.30-3.00pm
TAs attending this session will explore the theory and practice of mediated learning and identify key questions to use when working with learners. Practical resources will also be shared so each TA can create their own ‘support for learning’ toolkit to use within their work.
A TA Guide to...Understanding Autism
Tuesday 21st March 2023 1.30-3.00pm
TAs will explore the skills associated with social communication and social interaction and how these may impact on learners with autism. Sensory processing, theory of mind, executive functioning and weak central coherence will also be practically explored with suggestions for overcoming these barriers in the classroom.
A TA Guide to...Understanding Dyslexia
Wednesday 3rd May 2023 1.30-3.00pm
TAs will explore the impact of working memory, speed of processing, sequencing, organisation, phonics, phonological awareness, reading, writing and spelling for learners with Dyslexia and identify actions that can be taken to overcome these barriers to learning.
An individual session is charged at £50 but all sessions can be booked for £120.
Contact to book this course.
A Teachers' Guide to...SEND Identification
Wednesday 25th January 2023 4.00-5.30pm
Teachers will explore the difference between a learner with SEND and a low attainer and reflect on the implications of SEND identification. Barriers to learning will be explored with practical examples of implementing the graduated approach within a classroom shared.
A Teachers' Guide to...SEND Provision
Wednesday 22nd March 2023 4.00-5.30pm
Teachers will explore SEND provision as a balance of adjustments, support/resources and interventions and consider how their ‘action with intent’ impacts on either overcoming or removing barriers to learning. Practical examples for planning SEND provision will be explored including writing ‘targeted outcomes.’
A Teachers' Guide to...SEND Assessment
Thursday 20th April 2023 4.00-5.30pm
Teachers will explore the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio as a language of SEND assessment and identify how this can be used to identify strengths and areas for development with learners during an SEN Support meeting.
An individual session is charged at £50 but all sessions can be booked for £120.
Contact to book this course.