Educational Psychology
Willow Tree Learning offers the full range of services associated with Educational Psychology. We are person centred, strengths based practitioners, who use a range of assessment tools to evaluate educational strengths and needs. Through consultation with key adults in school and from home, through dialogue, observation and direct working with the child or young person, we are able to baseline skills and recommend interventions to support the next steps of learning.
We are also able to work with schools and settings as systems, and use psychology to inform development and evaluate impact.
Educational Psychologists are able to support with:
Assessment and intervention to overcome barriers to learning, including those associated with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, specific approaches to learning and cognition, speech, language and communication, sensory and physical impairment, as well as social, emotional and mental health needs.
Applying psychological theories linked to learning, motivation, attribution, self-efficacy and behaviour, to understand and support development of children and young people.
Observing systems and social interactions, promote reflection and review, facilitating improvement and conscious planning.
Using psychology to positively affect change for children, families and educational systems.
Professional Supervision and Coaching for Head teachers and SENCOs promoting reflective practice and continued professional development.
Educational Psychology Services with Willow Tree Learning
Willow Tree Learning offers a simple and transparent pricing framework. Sessions can be purchased one at a time, or secured annually for distribution termly, half termly or monthly. sessions might be used for:
Individual EP child assessment
Parent/carer cluster forum
Governor training and review
Whole staff training overcoming barriers to learning
SENCO training in a schools or across a Multi Academy Trust
SEN systems review or audit of SEN provision
Systems review of the impact of SEN provision
Feeling prepared for Ofsted
Head teacher or SENCO supervision using coaching approaches
Capturing impact of SEN or Pupil Premium funding
Effective school improvement planning including children, parents/carers, governors and staff
Information for Children
If you have commissioned an EP visit for a child in your school, you may wish to share the video with them. It is intended to act as an introduction for any child or young person who may feel a little anxious about the meeting. In some contexts, it may be preferable to facilitate introductions in person, for example if a discreet observation is required and initial anonymity would be useful, do not share the video in advance.

Meeting an Educational Psychologist
Information for Parent/Carers
After commissioning a Willow Tree Learning Educational Psychology assessment, please feel free to share this video with the Parent/Carers to help inform them of the process.