SENCO New to Role (NTR) programme
The SENCO NTR programme is aimed at SENCOs, Assistant SENCOs or SEN Practitioners who are new to role. The programme explores all aspects of SEND including identification, assessment and provision. The course content is practical and supports Colleagues to understand and implement the requirements of the Code of Practice. This is complimentary to the National Award in SEN Co-ordination but is not an alternative to it.
Judith Carter is a tutor on the National Award for SEN Co-ordination for Eastern Partnership and the University of Hertfordshire, so the curriculum is related yet distinct in its practical application. Participants attend a half term session during the academic year, to promote ongoing support, challenge and reflection during the year.
The cost of the course is £400 for the six sessions. For more information please email: Judith.carter@willowtreelearning.co.uk